Category: personal development

  • Why You Must Read Books?

    In today’s Instagram era, where our attention spans have shrunk to just 30 seconds, many of us have forgotten the simple pleasure of reading. But I believe reading is one of life’s greatest joys. Let me share why with my own experience. When I was 12, I was the quietest kid in class, always following…

  • Are Our Fears Worthy?

    I am the most anxious and fearful person in my close-knit group. Even the smallest problem makes me freak out, causing me to sweat and feel nauseous. In these moments, I turn to my close friends, who are the least judgmental, providing comfort and helping to calm me down. Recently, I encountered a situation that…

  • Wear That Lehenga

    Last year, in June, I got a really pretty lehenga material to make a dress. I loved the color and the designs—it felt like a dream come true. At that time, I also had a bad skin problem and was quite thin. It made me feel really insecure. So, instead of wearing the dress, I…

  • How to stop feeling insecure

    These days, I am feeling very insecure about various aspects of myself, including my looks, studies, financial background, and behavior. My insecurity has reached a point where I don’t want to face people. Despite my love for talking and sharing opinions, I’ve stopped engaging with others because I don’t feel good enough. I constantly worry…

  • This may help you succeed

    I have many life goals, like doing well in school, understanding money, getting fit, having good relationships, starting a side business, and being successful. But even though I plan a lot, I often face problems. I figured out that I fail because I try to do too many things at once. It’s hard to use…

  • Why u should not compare your life in social media

    The moment I open any kind of social media, I am bombarded with people showcasing their perfect lives, younger individuals making so much money and traveling extensively, and cute lovebirds that make me anxious about whether I’ll ever find such love. Additionally, there are people traveling around the world in their most stylish clothes. Similarly,…

  • Goals For 2024

    In 2024, I didn’t make many specific goals with set endings. Instead, I see them more like ongoing journeys. Eating Regularly Last year, I felt bad for eating only once a day. Sometimes, when I’m stressed, I can’t eat. This made me skip meals a lot. But this year, I want to take care of…

  • 2023 review

    As I say goodbye to 2023, I feel really thankful for a year that turned out to be pretty good for me, even though I didn’t expect it. It’s kind of surprising how quickly the months passed, and I still find myself thinking about the end of 2021. Even though I didn’t achieve everything I…

  • Rules Of 75 Days Hard Challenge

    We’re in that time of the year when we feel like making a fresh start and becoming new versions of ourselves. For those who want to try something different in the new year, here’s a challenge for you—it’s called the 75 Hard Challenge. The 75 Hard Challenge is a tough program for your mind and…

  • Hope is not best in this case

    I went through a really tough time last year, facing a big challenge that tested how strong I am. It was really hard, and I felt like I had no hope. It seemed like things would never get better. But now, thankfully, I can say that even though my problems haven’t gone away, I have…