I Realized Two Things About Thoughts

One recent realization I’ve had is that thoughts are contagious. Let me illustrate with an example: one of my friends always finds faults in people’s bodies. Before I talked to her frequently, I was pretty neutral about my own body. However, suddenly, I started picking up faults with my own. Likewise, another friend has a catchphrase. Even though the word was not part of my vocabulary, now I use it daily.

So, what I would like to conclude is, observe the environment around you. Does it help you grow, heal, or suffer? Willpower is limited, so create a system that helps you develop your ideal character and beliefs.

Another thing about thoughts is we are all gray characters. It depends on us whether we act on them or not. Many times, I hold grudges as I fail to set boundaries and feel used. Then, I hold hatred against them. When they later come for any help or I see them in a vulnerable position, I get a feeling to attack them. For example, one of my friends is always mean to me. I should actually set a boundary, but instead, I decide to please her and hold resentment. Now, when I see a bunch of people talking negatively about her, I have thoughts to belittle her or feel happy when she suffers. These thoughts are normal, but what is important is not acting upon them and just observing them.


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