Category: Psychology

  • Affrimations for day to day life

    1.I believe in my abilities to achieve goals 2.Life supports me in every possible way. 3.I am open to new experiences and opportunities that improves my life. 4.I am successful in every part of my life 5.I deserve the best and accept the best. 6.I am willing to change for my betterment. 7.Infinity opportunities are…

  • How to use affirmation

    Affirmation are a set of statements that validates something to be true.They can also be used for emotional support and courage to ourselves and others.Affrimation can be useful for building self confidence, positive thinking and a positive self image.Affrimation also helps in rewiring subconscious mind(which controls 90 percent of our day to day activities). methods…

  • Psychology facts for everyday life

    1.Smiling,even when you don’t feel like it,can improve your mood and reduce stress. 2.Gratitude can boost the level of happiness.Make sure that u write atleast one thing u are grateful for. 3.Hugging or any kind of physical touch releases oxytocin(also know as happy harmone)which reduces the feeling of stress and increase a sense of bonding…

  • The theory of learned helplessness

    Anvika was a bright student who had just completed her 10th standard. Eager to pursue a career in engineering, she joined a renowned JEE coaching institute. However, soon after she joined, she encountered a mean teacher who would constantly berate her in front of the class. On her first day of class, the teacher gave…

  • How to effectively build good habits

    1.Start small When u start small,it appears easy to tackle making u feel less stressful.It also helps in building momentum. 2.Setup a routine Establishing a routine or schedule can help you stay on track and make your habits a regular part of your day. 3.Set specific goals When setting goals, make sure they are specific,…